The wastewater plant treats Nègrepelisse town’s wastewaters before discharging into the Montrosies, an Aveyron’s affluent. The plant’s presentation with some figures.
Nominal capacity : 4000/6000 PE (a plant of 4000 PE extensible to 6000 PE afterwards)
Opened in January 2009
Contracting authority : Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron – CCTVA
Project engineer : Ginger Environnement Infrastructures – GEI
Constructor : Epur Nature
Associated firms : Génie civil Causse & Brunet, Membrane SODAF GEO, granulats RUP, postes de relevage EXEDRA et ABS
Receiving water : Montrosies stream, affluent of Courounets, affluent of the Aveyron river
Rejection norm : BOD < 25 mg/l ; CDO < 125 mg/l ; SS < 35 mg/l
Winter serie: VFCW1 (vertical flow constructed wetlands)+ VFCW2
Summer serie: VFCW1+ primary ponds+ VFCW2
Dimensions: 1.2 m²/PE (filtre 1) + 2.5 m²/PE (ponds - 15 000 m²/6000 PE) + 0.8 m²/PE (filtre 2)
Performances : Consult the file The Nègrepelisse WTP - The performances
Particularities :
The integration of the primary ponds in the treatment steps (only during summer) improves the rejected water quality during the low water period therefore the most sensitive period for the receiving water.
Only the treatment plant (except adduction), from 1 to 4000 PE.
Implementation cost: 1 634 000 €HT or 411 €/PE
Planned running cost: 4000 PE x 10 €/PE = 40 000 €/year
Real running cost (except extraction of sludges and renewal costs): 36000€/year
This article situates the wastewater treatment plant in the Adour-Garonne WTP scene.
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