The MV82 plant (STP)-The facts

The septage treatment plant MV82 will treat, when it will open at the beginning of 2012, the septage sludges produced by the on-site sanitation in the north-east of the Tarn-et Garonne. The plant’s presentation with some figures.


General facts

Nominal capacity 11 000 m³/year or 200 m³/week
Opened at the end of 2012
Contracting authority : Syndicat Mixte Départemental des Déchets-SMDD
Delegated contracting authority : Communauté de Communes des Terrasses et Vallée de l’Aveyron – CCTVA
Project engineer : Ginger Environnement Infrastructures – GEI
Constructor : to be determined after consultation
Associated firms : waiting for consultation

Technical facts

Receiving water : Montrosies stream, affluent of Courounets, affluent of the Aveyron river
Rejection norm : BOD < 25 mg/l ; CDO < 125 mg/l ; SS < 150 mg/l for the summer discharge
Winter serie: pretreatment + VFCW (vertical flow constructed wetlands)+ ponds
Summer serie: pretreatment + VFCW+ spreading on plantation
Dimensions: 50kg SS/m². year
Stages: the works are constructed from the beginning for the final treatment capacity regarding the little difference between the actual septage contributions (10500m³/year) and the ones to come (11000m³/year).
Performances : Consult The MV82 plant (STP)- The performances


  1. autonomous system (the septage are usually treated on big WTP)
  2. extensive process (the septage are usually treated with extensive processes)
  3. using primary pond as a complementary treatment in winter
  4. using treated waters to water the plantatio

The primary ponds integration in the treatment steps (only in winter) improves the discharging quality for weak construction and running costs.

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The WTP conception and monitoring are done by the Cemagref.


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